Saturday, March 29 | Be a Light in Someone’s Darkness. Hope starts with you! QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is a simple yet powerful training that equips you to recognize when someone is struggling, offer words of hope, and connect them to the help they need. Just like CPR saves lives in a medical emergency, QPR can make a life-saving difference in a mental health crisis. Training includes a one year certification in QPR and additional resources.
In a short hour and a half, gain the confidence and skills to be a voice of encouragement and support. Together, we can bring light to those who need it most!
Training Date: Saturday, March 29th
Session 1: 10:00 AM - Register HERE
Session 2: 2:00 PM - Register HERE
Cost: $10 per person
🔹 Limited spots available! Each session is capped at 35 participants, so sign up early to secure your spot. Registration is required.
Let’s be a church that speaks life! Contact Pastor Jess for more details.