Spiritual Formation
Welcome to Spiritual Formation at Living Way Fellowship! We invite you to take part in classes, Bible studies, and extraordinary prayer groups. We seek to provide not just head knowledge, but the ability, through time spent with one another, to live out the life of Jesus that is being formed
within us.
Extraordinary Prayer Groups
Extraordinary prayer is the foundation of the move of God we are seeing around the globe called Disciple Making Movements! These movements are groups of new believers that multiply quickly by sharing the gospel as a lifestyle and can happen anywhere God’s Spirit moves in response to the fervent prayers of His people.
Meet our Spiritual Formation Pastor
Pastor Brenda Quinn, along with her husband Mike and three sons, has attended Living Way for over 20 years and been on staff for 12. She oversees spiritual formation through adult education, kids classes, extraordinary prayer, and more! She is passionate about seeing Christians grow in their walk with the Lord and bringing others to Christ.
Email Pastor Brenda