Men’s Ministry at Living Way is all about Elevating Men in Discipleship. The primary way we do this is through a network of honest, open, and meaningful life groups. We have two kinds of Men’s Life Groups:
Men’s Study Groups: Meeting in homes, coffee shops, and classrooms to go through
a Bible study, book, or teaching series together
Men’s Prayer Groups: Meeting on our lunch break, devoting the hour to praying for and
with our brothers in Christ
For more information on Men’s Ministry, email Pastor John Cashdollar
Upcoming events
Men's Breakfast
April 12 at 8 AM
Men, join us for a delicious breakfast and a fun time of fellowship together. No sign up required.
Second Tuesdays of the month ongoing
Men's Evening Bible Study
We are studying II Timothy: Living and Leading in Truth.
Beginning February 19, we will begin a new study of the book The Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask (With Answers) by Mark Mittelberg. Fred Poland from our group will lead us in this study. Join us any time!
Led by Mike Quinn (mbquinn@msn.com)