Extraordinary Prayer
Extraordinary prayer focuses on seeing God glorified as the lost become saved. This kind of prayer happens in a variety of ways:
The foundation lies in asking the Holy Spirit to teach you how to pray, and in learning to listen for His voice to lead and guide your prayer times. The Holy Spirit is the PERSON that informs our prayers, and the POWER that unleashes our prayer for His glory.
Listening to Scripture and letting the Holy Spirit guide us through His Word into prayer.
Asking the Holy Spirit to guide us into opportunities for sharing the gospel.
Interceding for our community, school, workplace or other groups to feel the conviction and grace of the Lord leading them to repentance and refreshing (Acts 3:19)
Taking risks in prayer, trusting God to grow our faith and move in the fullness of His Spirit.
Praying with both petition and proclamation, declaring that Jesus’ authority is more powerful than the gates of hell (Matthew 16:18). Prayer is inviting the supernatural to earth.
Praying for signs and wonders that only God can accomplish. There are no kingdom movements today without signs and wonders.
Trusting that through prayer, God will mobilize Christians to fulfill all the functions of the church.
Helping new believers to pray right away, letting them join us in prayer—sometimes before they even fully understand what is happening.
Personal, private prayer (Matthew 6:6)
Prayer together with a spouse, prayer partner or small group
Prayer-walking two-by-two or in groups (Deuteronomy 11:24 and Joshua 1:3)
Corporate prayer meetings, overnight vigils
Praying in the Spirit and with understanding (1 Corinthians 14:15)
Both personal and corporate prayer along with fasting is common, often ending in celebration of Kingdom advances, healing and deliverance